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myCharlotte makes it easier to live with an illness

myCharlotte helps patients to live better when ill, by offering them personalised supportive care during and after their treatment.


Fact sheet
Creation: 2019
Head office: Montpellier
Workforce: 8 permanent employees
Website: https://mycharlotte.fr


Fatigue, pain, anxiety and depression are all side effects of cancer and chronic diseases. myCharlotte offers sufferers personalised supportive care during and after their treatment, to help them live better with their illness.

Founded in 2019 in Montpellier, myCharlotte has created a virtual clinic where a team of supportive care professionals (psychologists, dieticians, personal trainers, sophrologists) works in cooperation with the hospital, taking a person-centric approach to each person’s needs. Digital content and systematic evaluations allow the treatment to be adapted to the profile and feelings of each patient to reinforce its impact.

The young company is all the more attentive to their needs because its co-founder, Charlotte Mahr, has herself been in their shoes, following two bouts of cancer, one diagnosed when she was 28, the other at 35. “During my second bout of cancer, I benefited from coordinated support which gave me a better experience of my treatment and getting through my illness. It’s a pity I needed to go through two cancers to build on the experience of the first one and to set up support. This is why my husband Grégoire and I created myCharlotte, so that others have an easier experience of what I went through”, explains the company’s CEO.

myCharlotte currently works with a dozen hospitals and clinics, including the Institut Curie in Paris, the Centre Léon Bérard in Lyon, the Centre Antoine Lacassagne and the Centre de Cancérologie in Montpellier. The company has a strong presence in the field of oncology and now wishes to extend its reach to people suffering from depression.

myCharlotte is raising funds to expand its solution to include mental health and also to roll it out more widely in oncology.

“Occitanie Invest allows us to meet all the investors we are interested in at the same event. And AD’OCC’s support is really useful to us”, explains Grégoire Nedelec, CEO of the company fast tracked by Montpellier BIC, the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute in Paris, SATT AxlR with the TTM Factory programme, and the French La Poste IoT programme.

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